Plenary panel discussions

The Plenary Panel Discussions promote incisive debate on topical issues in the mathematics education field with invited key players who can open up insights that are valuable for the community to engage with and question.

Panel 1: Developing deep mathematical thinking through mathematics teaching — Problem solving in the 21st Century

Chair:  Vasuthavan Govender - Deputy Chief Education Specialist (Teacher Development) at the Nelson Mandela Teacher Development Institute in Port Elizabeth

Panelists: Vasuthavan Govender, Deonarain Brijlall, Zurab Janelidze and Noluntu Baart
Vasuthavan Govender

Panel 2: Developing deep mathematical thinking through mathematics teaching using indigenous knowledge and decolonisation

Chair:  Renuka Vithal - an adjunct Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of the Witwatersrand.

Panelists: Renuka Vithal, Judith Moscovitch, Rajendran Govender and Mogege David Mosimege

Renuka Vithal